Holy Flying Porta Potties, Batman!

If you’ve driven by the construction site or anywhere near it, you’ve undoubtedly noticed the 600-foot-high crane tower or the small platform at the top of each 515-foot-high tower. As you marvel at the engineering feat that is the Bridge Project, maybe you’ve wondered, “What happens when the person operating that crane has to ‘use the facilities?’” Or, “what about the workers at the top of the towers; where do they go when they ‘have to go?’”

Whether or not you’ve ever been curious about this, it’s one of the first questions the Comms Team is asked whenever we do a presentation for grade-school students. We tell them that the construction crews place Porta Potties in all of those high-up locations for the workers, even the crane tower. Every now and then if you’re driving along Ocean Boulevard, you may see one being flown up to a spot. Don’t worry. We always make sure no one’s inside before we lift off!

As the ole sayin’ goes, what goes up must eventually come down. And to prove it, the video above shows the lifting of three Porta Potties at once approximately 400 feet in the air as they are transported from the pier table at 200 feet down to the ground, moving around the cable stays as they go.