If you drive near the intersection of Ocean Boulevard and SR-47 on Terminal Island, you may notice a new opening under the overpass on the east side. This is the Port Access Undercrossing, or PAUC (rhymes with “rock”). You may recall from earlier updates that we’re still working on a clever name to replace its current nickname: the Texas U-Turn. “Terminal Island Turnaround” just isn’t sticking with anyone.
The PAUC will enable vehicles traveling west on Ocean Boulevard to make a free U-turn under the overpass onto Pier T or eastbound Ocean Boulevard to head over the current (and future) bridge. It will accelerate goods movement for truckers and Port tenants, and provide safe and smoother driving through the intersection for everyone.
Our construction team recently completed the tunnel and will now spend the next few months building the actual roadway through it. Just because it’s open dirt, that didn’t stop one truck from trying to be the first one to use the PAUC. Check out this very brief video: