Making the Grade on Terminal Island

If you’ve driven along eastbound Ocean Boulevard headed toward the city, you may have noticed quite a lot of grading on the land on both sides of the road just after you pass SR-47. On the north side, the ground has been leveled in preparation for constructing the connecting roadway between the abutment at the base of the approach structures of the new bridge and Ocean.


On the south side (pictured above), the grading was performed to build the future off-ramp to Pier T Avenue. You may remember that – prior to this grading – there was a loop on-ramp from Pier T Avenue up to the eastbound lanes of the bridge. It was demolished and a considerable amount of earth was moved to clear the path for the new off-ramp. This nice, wide roadway will help accelerate goods movement into the Pier T complex.


This photo also offers a great perspective on just how much higher the new bridge is than the current one.