Flashback Friday: Demolition Edition

This time last year was a busy time at the Bridge Project. The former connector ramp that previously took eastbound traffic from Terminal Island to the northbound 710 freeway was demolished during a four-day closure that began on July 4, 2018. The ramp, which went over southbound Harbor Scenic Drive and Ocean Boulevard, was removed so that construction could proceed on a new northbound connector ramp that is now part of the Bridge Project.

Large excavators equipped with jackhammers and claws tore down the elevated ramp, as crews worked around the clock to complete the demolition as safely and quickly as possible, and minimize traffic impacts in the area. The time-lapse video above shows the demolition of the old connector ramp over the four days of the closure.

Today, this area of the Bridge Project looks completely different. The new northbound 710 connector ramp (pictured) has been completed and, in the coming weeks, will be paved. Currently, work crews are grinding down the road surface in preparation for it to receive a polyester polymer concrete (PPC) overlay.

Thank you again for everyone’s patience and understanding during the entirety of this significant infrastructure improvement project. We are pleased to announce we are heading into the final stretch towards completion of the new bridge, which will offer vastly improved traffic flow and additional safety lanes.