Beginning at 10 tonight, routes along soutbound Harbor Scenic Drive and westbound Ocean Boulevard will be temporarily closed for the demolition of the last two columns of the old northbound I-710 connector ramp. Motorists traveling through the area are advised to allow extra time for the following detours:
- If traveling west on Ocean Boulevard from downtown Long Beach toward the bridge, motorists will be diverted north at Golden Shore toward the 710 freeway. Take I-710 north a short distance to exit at westbound Anaheim Street, then take the I-710 south route to exit at Pico Avenue. Take Pico Avenue south to the westbound on-ramp to the bridge. Alternatively, if San Pedro or the I-110 freeway are your destination, westbound motorists can take Anaheim Street all the way.
- The primary detour to the Queen Mary from the southbound I-710 is to take the “Terminal Is/Pico Avenue” exit to Pico Avenue, then stay in the right lane to head south on Pico. After passing the bridge construction project, continue past the Pier E Street traffic light, then turn left onto South Harbor Scenic Drive and follow the signs to the Queen Mary.
- The alternate detour to the Queen Mary is, if traveling south on I-710, take the “Downtown Long Beach, Convention Center, Aquarium” exit to Shoreline Drive, then continue to the Queen Mary on-ramp (Queens Way). Make a right turn onto Queens Way and follow the signs to the Queen Mary.
The closures will end by 10 p.m., Sunday, February 24. For a detailed fact sheet, click here.